Englisches Theater am SLG
Samstag, 30.01.2016

Englisches Theater 2016

“All the world`s a stage” - dieses berühmte Zitat von William Shakespeare war Leitmotiv des Englischen Theaters, das am 19. Januar 2016 für die gesamte Schulgemeinde des Lindengymnasiums stattgefunden hat. Dem begeisterten Publikum präsentierte das White Horse Theatre, eine aus englischen Muttersprachlern bestehende, professionelle Schauspielgruppe, drei auf das jeweilige Sprachniveau abgestimmte Theaterstücke.  

Drinking for Dummies – this was the title of the play the English White Horse Theatre presented for the 7th, 8th and 9th graders. It was a play of combination of fun and warning with four students in a realistic school setting.

There is a new girl at school, Zola. She doesn´t have any friends yet, but one boy, Barney, falls in love with her and that is why he asks his friends for help. At the end, they all go to a dancing club to have some fun together. Barney´s friends think that drinking alcohol will make the situation easier for him, because he will not be so shy anymore. But when they are all drunk, Barney gets into a terrible car accident and dies and Zola has to be taken to hospital with alcohol poisoning.

I liked the story very much, because it was funny and at the same time we could learn something: Drinking doesn´t help you to find friends and drinking too much might kill you.

The actors were great and we could really understand the play well. We were allowed to ask questions after the play, which was very nice!

Viola Herzog, 8c

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